Pre-fire plan and emergency response for LPG sphere fire in oil refinery
Pre-fire plan and emergency response for LPG sphere fire in oil refinery
The pre-fire plan and emergency response
strategy are crucial at oil refineries, petrochemical and oil & Gas
terminals to mitigate any gas leak, fire and explosion emergency. The pre-fire
plan helps emergency responders to manage any emergency efficiently by
identifying the proactive mitigation actions for each credible identified
emergency scenario and thus helps to minimize the losses.
The storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) possess high risk of fire and
explosion due to its flammability property and may form vapour cloud at ground
level due to its high density.
This article provides information on effective emergency
response by preparing a pre-fire plan and the best firefighting
strategies for LPG fire and explosion emergencies for bulk
In this article, we will discuss the different credible
emergency scenarios in handling and storage of LPG and action plan to mitigate
these emergencies by improving the implementation and practice of the pre-fire
plan (PFP) or the pre-incident plan (PIP). We start with the general handling
and storage process of LPG, associated hazards, Fire protection system, emergency
response planning and firefighting strategies.
LPG storage facility in refinery
LPG is mixture of propane and butane and is stored in
bulk quantity at refinery and gas terminals, mostly stored in pressurised
vessels and Horton spheres from where it is transferred to LPG gantry for wagon
filling. Mounded vessels are also used for storing the LPG in some
installations. In some refinery, LPG is
directly transported to market through fixed pipeline from storage facility.
Hazard associated with LPG storage and handling
are the major hazards of LPG bulk storage
Fire Hazard- Jet Fire/Flash
Explosion –UVCE and
BLEVE and secondary fires
Formation of vapour
cloud due to its higher density.
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE): It is an explosion of
container (sphere, vessel, tanker, cylinder, etc) containing flammable
liquid/liquefied gas caused by over pressurization due to boiling of the
liquid. This usually occurs due to the prolonged heating of the container and
liquid/ liquefied material reached at its boiling point, therefore the
conversion rate from liquid to vapour is
higher than the release rate through safety relief valve/ vent, which increases
the pressure inside the container. In addition, when the liquid converted to
gas, it expands and creates more pressure inside the container, for example,
expansion ratio of LPG from liquid phase to vapour phase is 1: 270 (i.e. 1
liter of liquid expands to 270 liters of vapour/gas).
Three main factors responsible for BLEVE, one is the over
pressurization due to the boiling of liquid, the second vaporization rate is
more than venting and the third is material loose it’s tensile strain due to
prolong heating by an external flame.
These three factors resulted in a catastrophic rupture of
container and the pressurized flammable vapour released suddenly in the form of
massive explosion called BLEVE.
A secondary fire in nearby facility can be caused by shock
wave and propelled pieces of container.
Unconfined vapour cloud explosion (UVCE):
It is a delayed explosion of released flammable vapor/ gas away from point of
leak source after the formation of flammable mixture in an unconfined area.
UVCE occurred when flammable gas released into the atmosphere,
after some delay, forms a vapour cloud and ignited by ignition source away from
its point of leak source resulted into deflagration.
In UVCE, the flame propagate at an ultrasonic velocity thus
produces shock waves and destroys the entire installation covered under the
A secondary fire in the facility can be caused by shock wave
and direct contact of fire and explosion.
If the gas is heavier than air (LPG, vapours of gasoline,
diesel, kerosene and other hydrocarbons), the flammable cloud covers more area
whereas lighter gas (hydrogen, methane, etc) forms less flammable cloud because
it disperses easily.
Flash fire: It is the ignition of flammable
vapour/gas mixture within its flammable range immediately after it’s released
from the source. This type of fire doesn’t cause an explosion, but the flame
burns back against vopour cloud.
Jet fire: The release of gas, vapor, or
liquid from the container above atmospheric pressure and causes a fire due to
ignition, called as jet fire. It is a 3D fire in the form of a jet.
Safety consideration in LPG storage facility
Horton spheres or vessels are placed into groups and each group is limited to
six spheres/vessels.
quantity of each group is limited to 15000 M3 and curb wall provided around the
storage area for containment of leakage. Storage spheres/ vessels are installed
in single row and vessels/ bullets must not be stacked one above the other All
storage spheres/ vessels are separated from each other in same group or from
adjacent group by minimum distance of 30 meters. Minimum 30 meter separation
distance maintained form group to group also.
In case
of LPG vessel, installation should be such that the longitudinal axes of
horizontal vessels or bullets must not be pointed toward any other process
facility, equipment or other LPG storage container.
LPG storage
facility should not be located upwind of process units’ heaters/ furnace.
Therefore, it must be placed in downwind of process units so that in case of
any leakage, vapour cloud should not be travel toward process unit to prevent
source of ignition.
storage tanks (sphere/vessel/bullate) are
not installed along with other liquid hydrocarbons storage tanks in same dyke.
Shallow sump for LPG spillage collection is generally located at a safe distance
to prevent flame propagation from sump in case of fire event. Typically,
15-meter distance is considered as safe for this sump, but the distance may be
vary by considering adjacent storage tank diameter.
height of curb wall around the LPG storage tank is limited to minimum 30cm and
maximum 60 cm.
separation distance of LPG bulk storage should be maintained during designing
stage and it must not be less than 60 meters from process units, control
building and any electrical substations.
distance from flare, fire stations and process unit heater/ furnace must not be
less than 90 meters whereas it should not be less than 30 meters from nearest
oil storage area, loading gantries and rail spurs.
roads suitable for fire engines by considering turning radius is provided all
around the storage facility.
and testing of safety relief devices is important along with other critical
safety equipment and devices. Adequate process control is necessary to protect
against LPG leakage during water draining activity and other maintenance work.
Credible Emergency Scenarios for LPG Storage
Jet Fire / Flash fire in case of leakage and
ignition within short time.
Pool fire in LPG if major leak from bottom of
Formation of vaplour cloud due to leak without
fire and cover huge area upto 2 Km
Vapour cloud explosion due to delayed ignition
and secondary fires
BLEVE due to the prolonged
heating by flame impingement
to storage tank shell and secondary fires.
Fire protection system for LPG storage facility
LPG storage facility is provided with fire water ring main with fire water
hydrants and water monitors. Fire water header pressure is mostly maintained at
10.5 kg/cm2 at all time. Automatic water spray deluge system is provided for
all LPG storage spheres/ vessel covering compressors/ pumps and important
isolation valves. Flow rate of water spray system is 10.2 lpm/m2 for storage
tank and 20.4 lpm/m2 for compressor and pumps.
DCP fire extinguishers are provided in storage facility as per NFPA-10. Trolley
mounted dry chemical power extinguishers of capacity 50 kg/ 75 kg are provided
at compressor and pump area.
mobile fire engine of capacity 4ooo kg is provided at fire station for LPG
firefighting. Entire area of LPG storage is provided with gas detectors for
early detection and communication. Manual call points provided in the area for
emergency alarming and communication to fire department.
Refinery emergency response plan for LPG storage fire
Planning for emergency preparedness and
response at a refinery is an important document developed with
reference to the quantitative risk assessment (QRA), including modelling of gas
Here in this article we are discussing the emergency
response plan for the LPG Horton sphere only.
The emergency response plan must include the mitigation measures
by the operations team, the maintenance team, the site incident controller, the
security team, the firefighting crew and the medical team applicable to all
credible scenarios.
Now we are discussing here the common course of actions
for all types of LPG emergencies by each key member.
Emergency response plan - Action by the operational team:
In the event of an emergency, by any person, activate the nearby
manual call point (MCP) and simultaneously transmit the message to the operator
of the control panel and operational Shift In charge of storage-sales and
dispatch area (SSDA) via Walkie Talkie.
The control room panel officer must inform the respective plant
manager, the chief operating officer and the manager of the refinery shift.
The SSDA panel officer must inform the panels officer of neighboring
units. Then, he must make an announcement via the public address system to stop
all work and evacuate the area immediately.
The operating team, including the field officer and the site
manager, initiates mitigation measures based on the LPG leak without fire or
with fire scenario.
Simultaneously, the operations team must initiate isolation of
the LPG sphere, stop the loading/ unloading activity of affected area including
gantry operation.
The operation team should assist the firefighting team and the
medical team by directing them to the emergency scene. The initial firefighting
or any other mitigation measure must be initiated by the operating team, viz.
operation of fire extinguishers, water spray system for cooling all LPG spheres
in the group , operation of fire monitors and fire hydrant, etc.
The operating team must monitor the LEL concentration during
the emergency and after completion.
Operation in charge must maintain constant communication with
the site incident controller on the measures taken and must work under the
direction of the site incident controller.
action by Site Incident Controller
Upon receipt of the emergency call, the site incident
controller must reach the incident site and assume overall command in
accordance with the refinery's emergency response and disaster
management plan.
Assess the situation, establish the command post in a safe
place and obtain all the information on the measures taken by the area manager
/ shift manager, the fire commander, the security officer and the maintenance in-charge.
Depending on the situation, site incident controller will
guide the operating team to initiate the necessary isolation or the emergency shutdown
of facility, if necessary. Site incident controller must ensure that all of the
above emergency actions have been taken by the operations team.
The site incident controller will take all relevant
information from the fire commander and decide on the strategy to follow in
consultation with Fire chief for additional resources, calling for mutual aid
and adopting alternative methods to mitigate the emergency.
The site incident controller must ensure that the area is
barricaded, that the movement of vehicles is restricted, that evacuation and
enumeration at the assembly point are done by security team.
The site incident controller must request the maintenance team
to perform a maintenance activity to stop the leak in accordance with their
standard operating procedures.
He must ensure that the injured person has been transferred to
the health center and also ensure the availability of first aiders and
auxiliary firefighters.
The site incident controller must initiate an adequate level
of emergency siren after discussion with the chief incident controller (Refinery
He is responsible for declaring "All Clear" after
ensuring the safe mitigation of the emergency. Before declaring “All Clear”, he
must assess the situation for damage and the environment.
mitigation action by Maintenance Team
The maintenance leader must ensure that the maintenance team
immediately reaches the incident site with the necessary non-sparking tools and
resources in accordance with their standard operating procedures and initiates
the action line in accordance with safe maintenance practices.
Maintenance in charge must report to the site incident
controller and issue directives for the continuation of the maintenance
activities to be carried out.
action by Security Team:
The security officer must report to the incident site
immediately after receiving an emergency call and report to the site incident
They must delimit the area and restrict the movement of
non-essential people. They must regulate traffic and authorize only emergency
vehicles on the emergency site.
Ensure an orderly evacuation to the assembly point. A security
officer counts the workforce and rebroadcasts it to the site incident
All emergency team leaders must ensure the safety of their
team members and mandatory PPE is used.
So far, we have discussed the general course of action of all
key personnel to mitigate any type of emergency in LPG storage facility. Let's start
specific emergency mitigation measures for specific types of emergencies, as
noted above.
Pre-fire plan
The pre-fire plan or pre-incident plan
is prepared to effectively mitigate any emergency to minimize the losses.
Generally, the pre-fire plan is developed by emergency responders
such as fire and rescue services. NFPA 1620 provides detailed guidelines for
developing pre-fire plans to assist emergency responders in
effectively mitigating emergencies. When developing the pre-fire plan,
it is necessary to ensure the protection of plant peoples, emergency response
personnel, property and the environment.
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Pre-fire plan for LPG sphere emergency |
The pre-fire plan must be prepared for a
specific machine / equipment / sphere/ vessel or structure in a specific installation
in refinery or oil terminal with reference to the QRA. It must be documented
and guarantee its accessibility to all emergency responders. It can be
communicated at the facility level for better understanding and to reduce the
response time of emergency responders.
Below important points must be considered in the pre fire plan document.
Data collection: QRA report and list of
credible scenarios for specific equipment.
Scope: When preparing the pre-fire
plan, the physical site condition must be taken into account.
Procedure and Templates: The
procedure for developing a pre-fire plan with a standard template
must be finalized for standardization.
Human occupation: When preparing the pre-fire
plan, the density and type of occupation and the level of exposure to a
particular equipment / area must be taken into account.
Fire protection system: During
the preparation of the pre-fire plan, collect all data to know
the availability of existing water supply and fire protection systems
Hazard Consideration: List all
possible hazards and communicate to the responders and mitigation team,
including special hazards.
Emergency management action plan and strategy:
finalize emergency operations, fire-fighting tactics, dilution and dispersion
tactics of toxic gases / flammable gases.
Resources requirement:
Estimated resources including manpower, firefighting equipment, firefighting
media, etc
Welfare and medical facility:
Estimated welfare facility must be considered while preparing pre-fire plan for
major emergencies. It must also include ambulance and other emergency
transportation facility and first Aid.
Fire drill / Mock drill: Pre-incident
plan must be practiced by conducting regular fire drills/ mock drill. It should
be dynamic document and should be reviewed and revised with changes in
technology and for new hazard identification.
Pre-fire plan for management of LPG leakage, UVCE and to prevent BLEVE
Ref. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) of
the LPG storage spheres, the risk
level should be considered while preparing the pre-fire plan and
developing an emergency response plan.
pre-fire plan can be prepared by the fire
department in consultation with the operations team. Pre-fire plan should
be prepared for all credible scenarios. Here for understanding, we are
considering below major scenarios having maximum impacts.
Vapour cloud explosion and risk
of BLEVE due to LPG leakage from downstream flange of LPG spheres body valve at
Storage, Sales, Dispatch Area (SSDA)”
Leakage of LPG in liquid phase
from downstream flange of MOV due to Gasket failure (Considered - Sphere body
valve is not in position to be closed manually & ROV not working)
Vapour cloud has formed and
covered about 1 km area.
UCVCE occurred due to unknown
Fire at flange with jet flame
impingement on the adjacent LPG sphere.
Prolong Flange impingement on
Sphere shows sign of BLEVE
Three LPG spheres present in one
group of layout
Wind speed is about 24 km/hr
Diameter of LPG Sphere = 17m.
LPG is received from storage area
and stored in SSDA LPG sphere and dispatched to LPG gantry for wagon filling.
Capacity = 2573 M3
Material Name : LPG
Operating Temperature : 25 deg C
Operating Pressure : 8 to 9 kg/cm2
LEL : 1.9 %
UEL : 9.5 %
TLV : Butane : 800 ppm Propane : 1000 ppm
Normal Boiling Point : -40 deg C
Auto-ignition Temperature : 432 deg C
Vapour Density : 1.5-1.8 gm/cc
Specific Gravity : 0.51 – 0.58
Water Solubility : Slight, 6.1% by volume
Operating Temperature : 25 deg C
Operating Pressure : 8 to 9 kg/cm2
LEL : 1.9 %
UEL : 9.5 %
TLV : Butane : 800 ppm Propane : 1000 ppm
Normal Boiling Point : -40 deg C
Auto-ignition Temperature : 432 deg C
Vapour Density : 1.5-1.8 gm/cc
Specific Gravity : 0.51 – 0.58
Water Solubility : Slight, 6.1% by volume
BLEVE: - If the fire not controlled & insufficient cooling
operation may lead to BLEVE
Damage Distance (685 m)
@ 37.5 kW/m²
Damage Distance (1180 m)
@ 12.5 kW/m²
Damage Distance (1978 m)
@ 4.0 kW/m²
Explosion shock waves can damage the Life & property
within 2 KM range.
Adjacent LPG spheres (3
No) may cause secondary BLEVE.
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Consequences analysis for LPG sphere emergencies |
May cause multiple fires at SSDA storage area and
installations in facility.
Massive damage to Health may occur
Impact of Incident may affect nearby community.
06 nos Manual Call Point (02 at North , 01 at west, 01 at
south & 02 at east side)
LPG Detectors – 4 Nos
The sphere is protected with water spray deluge system.
Fire water hydrant network is provided all around the dyke
Fire water monitors around the side of the dyke – 8 Nos
Portable DCP extinguishers are available in the dyke &
near the LPG compressor.
Vapour balancing line is provided with All LPG spheres to
prevent BLEVE.
(Note: When preparing the pre-fire plan, the total
number of fire protection systems must be taken into account with their
identification / tagging.)
Fire Hydrants = ___Nos and location
HVLRM (2000 GPM) = ___Nos and location
Water cum foam monitors = ___Nos and location
Water spray systems (DV) = ___Nos and location
Water spray systems (manual MVWS) = ___Nos and
Manual Call points = ___Nos and location
Fire & Gas detectors= ____Nos and location and
Fire Extinguishers = ___Nos and location
Foam Trolley = ___Nos and location
Hose Box = ___Nos and location
Suspend all the jobs (hot/ Cold) and evacuate the area
immediately within 2 KM range.
Operate MVWS system for LPG sphere shell cooling for both
affected sphere & adjacent spheres to protect from radiation heat.
Isolate all LPG spheres & stop all operation of LPG
Start water monitors in spray mode.
Transfer of LPG to other safe sphere after thoroughly
understanding the situation Contact Mutual Aid for backup and to evacuate
nearby community & barricading the nearby highways within the range of
about 2 KM radius.
A large leakage of the LPG can form a
vapour cloud that can travel up to 1.9 Km.
Approach the fire or gas leakage area from
upwind or crosswind. All ignition sources down wind of leak should be put off
or water curtain should be provided immediately.
Evacuate the area within the range of
vapour clouds as quickly as possible. In case, escaping LPG is not on fire,
activate the ROV to cut off the source of LPG. Water spray is effective in
dispersing LPG vapours. The spray stream should be directed across the normal
vapour path.
Do not attempt to extinguish the LPG
fire unless the source of the leak cut off. A small LPG fire can be
extinguished by Dry chemical powder. The extinguishing agent should be directed
to the point of vapour release. Immediately start water spray on the leaking
LPG to avoid re-ignition.
The best method is controlled burning of
leaking LPG as it prevents the formation of vapour cloud. The application of sufficient
quantity of water to keep the shell of the vessel and piping cool will allow
the fire to consume the products without risk of causing failure. It is
desirable that the leaks cannot be controlled after extinguishing fire and
wherever the leak can be controlled, attempt to extinguish the fire.
Firefighting strategy for LPG storage sphere
Do not extinguish the flame except by
elimination of fuel, as the accumulation of leaking gas forms a flammable
vapour cloud and increases the risk of explosion due to accidental ignition.
Stop the movement of the product in
and out of the tank by activating ROVs, etc.
Use the water spray system to cool the
shell of LPG sphere, if this seems ineffective, use ground water monitors to
cool the vessels. Do not apply a solid jet directly on the shell of the LPG
sphere. Always make sure that water application must be in spray mode.
In the event of a fire in the bottom
section, apply water spray through fixed/mobile water monitors to the piping
assembly/supporting structure. Water cooling should be carried out on the
adjacent storage vessels.
Water cooling on the affected vessel
should be continued even after the flame has been extinguished until all danger
of re-ignition of the hot surfaces or other sources has been eliminated.
Water spray protection for fire
fighters should be provided continuously as long as the danger of vapour cloud
If possible, pump water into the
vessel to float the flammable material above the leak point in the vessel/sphere.
This will extinguish the flames if the rate of water pumping exceeds the rate
of leakage (an attempt should only be made when competent to do so).
If a shell failure occurs below the
liquid level in the vessel/sphere and results in a leak that exceeds the
capacity of the water pumping facility, several solid streams of water should
be directed on the shell surrounding the leak.
Try to form a curtain of water spray
and maintain it until all flammable material i.e. LPG has been consumed and the
vessel has become gas-free by natural ventilation or by the addition of steam in
the vapour space of the sphere/vessel.
Before resuming the plant operations
after the end of firefighting, a gas test should be carried out in pits,
trenches or dykes where gas or heavy vapours could accumulate. Portable gas
detectors should be used to check for the presence of flammable gas. Similar
precautions and firefighting operation must be followed in the event of fire in
the LPG recovery Unit.
Firefighting resources:
Fire water requirement for affected sphere cooling = 556 m3/hr
Fire water requirement for adjacent two sphere cooling = 1112
Fire water requirement for hose stream and one monitor = 375
Fire water requirement for fixed ground water monitor (4Nos) =
912 m3/hr
Total fire water Requirement = 2955 m3/hr
Personal protective equipment and lifesaving equipment
SCBA set = 14 Nos with 100% spare cylinders
Cryogenic suit and hand gloves = 20 Nos
Red flag for vapour cloud marking = 12 Nos
Firefighting suit = 14 Nos
Manpower resources
Fire officer – 02 Nos
Firefighters = 14 Nos
Auxiliary fire squad for replacement of front line responders
= 14 Nos
First Aiders = 3 Nos
Doctor at medical center = 01 No
Firefighting equipment, appliances and medical transportation
Fire engine =2 Nos
DCP fire engine = 1 No
Fire hoses = 40 Nos (15m length each)
TP branches/ nozzles = 6 Nos
Dividing breaching = 4 Nos
Water curtain = 4 Nos
Ambulance = 2 Nos
Portable gas monitor = 3 Nos
Welfare facility
Transportation for manpower replacement = 2 Nos
Dehydration remedy kits = 4 per person
Drinking water at site = 2 ltrs per person
Emergency Team
Field officer
Actuate the nearby MCP,
inform to operation panel officer and shift incharge via Walkie Talkie.
Operate Deluge system of LPG spheres.
Stop the transfer/ receive of LPG.
Stop all nearby jobs immediately.
Assist the firefighting team.
Company Incident Controller
Report to site and take charge of incident site as per
Emergency management and response plan.
Assess the site & coordinate with DCS panel officer for
Direct all emergency operations as per SOP.
Coordinate with all emergency team members i.e. Fire/
Security/ Medical/ etc
Ensure personnel are moved to the Master assembly point
outside the range of about 2 KM radius.
Stop Loading/ Unloading operation of Truck & rail gantry.
Update the company head for probability of BLEVE &
consequences thereof.
Evacuate all manpower including Emergency control team &
equipments at any sign of BLEVE to occur.
Determine level of emergency & inform to Site main
Controller (SMC).
Seek additional support and resources for controlling the
emergency & evacuation of nearby community. Suggest SMC to Actuate Offsite
emergency plan with district disaster control center and mutual aid.
At end of an emergency, assess damage & environmental /
toxicity level, declare ALL CLEAR.
Firefighting team
After receiving an emergency call, the fire team must present
themselves urgently with all appropriate firefighting equipment, personal
protective equipment and report to the emergency site.
While taking emergency turnout from the fire station, make
sure of the wind direction, be in constant contact with the fire control room.
After reaching the emergency site, the fire tender / fire engines should only
be parked in the upwind / crosswind direction. The fire tender must be parked
in a safe place and directed towards the exit.
Evaluate the scenario, get all the information about the emergency
site from the plant shift in-charge or site incident controller and a brief
final mitigation action to all firefighters.
All members of the fire crew must wear self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA). Two firefighters must ensure the connection of the
hydrant to the Fire tender for make-up water and be ready for firefighting.
The rescue operation must be launched at the initial level by
two firefighters and the other firefighters must be ready for the dispersion of
gas and firefighting.
If necessary, call in for additional fire assistance and
resources. If possible, cool nearby equipment using the deluge water spray (DV)
The fire commander should assess the situation and ask the
firefighting team to use a fire suit / heat resistant suit / other specialized
Operate the groundwater monitor / tower monitor and HVLRM (high-volume long-range monitor)
for water.
Help the operations and maintenance team to mitigate the
incident. If there is a demand to close the process isolation valve which is
engulf in fire, the responder must wear a fire entry suit with a water spray
back-up line. These water spray must continue to provide a cooling effect to
the personnel involved in closing the isolation valve.
Water curtain must be provided to isolate the radiant heat, if
possible. Intensive cooling of the surrounding installations must be ensured to
prevent the spread of fire.
The fire chief must ensure the required fire water header pressure
of the fire water system in coordination with the operator of the fire water
pump house. If situation demand, the fire chief may consult the site incident
controller for any further assistance from mutual aid members, the auxiliary
team, etc.
All actions to mitigate the incident must be carried out under
the instructions of the fire chief. Check the LEL with the operating team in
consultation with the site incident controller.
Ensure adequate drainage of spills and take the necessary
measures to eliminate any contaminated surface.
After ALL CLEAR, stop the operation of fire protection system
and communicate the fire water pump house about no further demand. Ensure the
restoration of all emergency fire equipment / appliances.
Security team
Reach at Site & report to CIC.
Controls access to the Incident site
Allow smooth entry of external emergency team as per ERMP and
through predicated entry gate.
Control traffic and personnel movement by ensuring proper
barricading the area/ Road within 2 KM.
Assist Rescue & Fire Fighting operation.
Security Personnel’s to be available at various locations to
guide the Outside Emergency vehicles to site.
Medical team
Ambulance should be reported at emergency site.
Mobilize injured persons from the site to health center
First Aid to be administered.
Mobilize second Ambulances (if required).
Mutual Aid Team
Police: - Barricade the Highway & control the traffic
Fire Brigade – entry shall be as per ERMP
District Authority: - Arrange for extra resources and evacuate
nearby community
Emergency No of fire
control room: XXXXXXXX
DHDT panel contact No:
******* End******
is the one example of pre-fire plan for LPG
storage sphere fire for specific scenario. Similarly, pre-fire plan must
be prepared separately for each credible scenario with ref to QRA study.
plan template
Here is
the standard template and sample pre-fire plan developed
according to our experience. This template can be revised depending on the site condition. Standard NFPA 1620, latest edition 2020 can be referenced for a pre-incident
template, but it is mainly applicable for building and may not be
suitable for a refinery.
here to download
Standard template for Pre-fire plan for
oil Refinery credible scenarios
Sample pre-fire plan for LPG sphere
LPG storage and handling facility is extremely prone to major
accidents, including fires and explosions due to its inherent flammability
property. Preparation of Pre fire plan or Pre incident plan
for specific equipment in specific operational area is the key for effective
mitigation of any emergencies. Quantitative Risk assessment must be referred
while preparing the pre fire plan. Effective emergency
response can be assured by regular practicing i.e. conducting fire
drill based on pre-fire plan. Practical firefighting
strategies must be included in pre fire plan for all emergencies,
including fires, explosions and the release of toxic gases. Important information
such as process
description, material data, list of hazards substances with their properties, list
of available fire protection system, layout, approach rout marking on layout,
line of action and firefighting strategies, estimated resources etc must be the
part of pre fire plan.
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